Behind every successful endeavor of a company is its affirmation to its customers, partners, and to the people within the company. The commitment to deliver products and services to its clientele does not end there, and we, at EQUILAST Inc., know this.

We strive to give you, our customers, cost-effective, world-class products and solutions, specifications which will fit your required parameters, and other services that will assist you in achieving your company goals. We commit ourselves to giving you authentically certified items which are produced by undergoing processes recognized by world-renowned certifying bodies. Along with outstanding products, and installation and technical services by a highly experienced team, we will give you seamless delivery of your ordered items, from port to your company doorstep.

For continuous transaction and to give further assistance to our clientele and partners, we believe communication is an essential part of business operations and we give importance to this by providing various outlets where you may contact us, talk to us or send to us your inquiries, suggestions, and other concerns.

We are constantly studying the market, researching for feasible products and solutions, and improving our work process. These factors are just a few of what we do to assist you in your everyday operations. We, at EQUILAST Inc., is here to be your partner in achieving your envisioned progress for your institution.